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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Jesus Will Cure Your Lame Sex Life?

From the Museum of Idolatry

Cornerstone Christian Fellowship in Chandler, AZ is hopping on the this band wagon a bit late. Thesetypes of sermon series were all the rage in the Purpose-Driven scene back in 2008. Talk about sermon leftovers. It should be named My Church's Lame Sermon Series. But, since they're really going through with this we thought we save a few of their artifacts and exhibit them here at the Museum of Idolatry.

The website put up by Cornerstone, actually promises that God will help you people their lame sex lives. Seriously, has Jesus now become the Dr. Ruth of religious leaders? If people's sex lives don't improve with the help of Jesus can folks at Cornerstone get there tithe money back? Here's the quote from the site:

"Is your sex life what you hoped it would be? Does something inside of you believe it could be better? And is better ultimately about a new technique or the latest lotion? Is it possible that what we don’t know about sex itself (about how men and women are wired), is actually what we really keep stumbling over? Is it possible that the one who created sex would actually have some insights into sex?

Surprisingly, God is pro sex and wants us to have an exciting and deeply fulfilling sex life. The problem is that most of us only experience a second rate imitation of what God intended it to be!

Would you be willing to keep an open mind and open heart while we have a conversation? All you have to lose is your lame sex life.

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This is what happens when churches think that preaching the gospel, the good news of Christ's substitionary death on the cross for our sins is not enough, so they feel like they have to spice up the message by adding some more exciting worldly elements to the message. The message of the cross doesn't need sex added to it to make it more appealing. Furthermore, Jesus NEVER promised that if you believe in Him that the sex in your marriage will improve. In fact, believing in Jesus has caused many marriages to fail.

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