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God of Wonders

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

The same God who made the heavens and the earth is the same God who offers you grace.  The same God who said, "Let there be light", is the same God who said, "It is finished."

I invite you to watch the following videos to see just how great our God is, and just how much He loves each and every one of us - so much so He died for us. The Creator of the Universe died for sinners!  And now He calls you to repent and believe the Gospel.  Please take some time to get to know Him, and may His creation draw you unto His amazing, everlasting love.

A Call to Wonder

God of Wonders

Exploring the Wonders of Creation, Conscience, and the Glory of God! 

God’s wonders surround us. And these marvels reveal much about our Creator. Through creation we glimpse His power and wisdom, His majesty and care. Creation is speaking to those who will listen…

Join us on a remarkable journey of discovery as we explore the Creator’s handiwork and what His creation reveals about His character. Survey the unimaginable size of the universe and ponder the vast energy present in all matter. Examine the elegant water molecule essential to all life and discover how God combines these molecules to form beautiful and symmetrical snow crystals. Learn about the incredible complexity of DNA and the miraculous workings of the tiny seed. From the design functionality of birds to the incredible transformation of butterflies, these and many other features of creation are highlighted in this visually stunning presentation.

God of Wonders is a breath-taking tour of God’s creation wonders, visible and invisible, and the greatest wonder of all – His redeeming love! 

“Declare His glory…His wonders among all peoples.” Psalm 96:3

You can purchase the complete DVD here:  God of Wonders

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8


How Great Is Our God

Your life is a miracle, and the Creator of the universe knows you by name...

He's big enough to breathe out stars, yet intricate enough to fashion together the trillions of cells that make up every facet of who you are. The God who spoke the universe into existence made you, too, and knows everything about you. From the smallest molecule to the situation you find yourself in right now, He's aware of your circumstances and intimately acquainted with everything you do. And He cares about you and promises to carry you through.

That's where we find hope in the midst of the darkest places in life. The journey often complicated and painful, filled with confusion and chaos. Yet, the cross of Christ reveals God's promise to preserve and restore you no matter what the circumstance. He will hold onto you and hold you together, giving strength to those who hope in His unfailing love.

He is the everlasting God!

You can purchase the complete DVD here: How Great Is Our God

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5


The heavens are telling the glory of God, and their expanse declares the work of His hands. Night after night they remind us of just how small we are, and how huge God is. Looking out into the far reaches of the universe, we find a seemingly infinite expanse of mystery and wonder, intricately fashioned by a God of unfathomable size and power. Just a glimpse of one of the billions of visible galaxies He has formed resizes us, shrinking us, and the world we call home, to seeming insignificance in an instant. But as tiny as we may seem, the God who knows every star by name also knows yours, and mine. And in the most stunning rescue imaginable, God sent His Son to this spinning planet we call home--the Creator reconnecting us to Himself with life that never ends.

Indescribable takes us on an image-rich journey through the cosmos, allowing us to peer into God's universe to discover the amazing magnitude of His greatness and grace.

Purchase the complete DVD here: Indescribable

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

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