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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Jesus Christ, the Sovereign Savior

By Justin Edwards

From Dr. Steven Lawson's Foundations of Grace, chapter 9 titled The Greatest Expositor of Grace - The Lord Jesus Christ:  Matthew, Mark, and Luke (pg. 244):

(red emphasis added)

Jesus Christ clearly affirmed His absolute sovereignty in all realms of His creation.  This supreme authority is seen especially in matters dealing with the salvation of men.  Christ is sovereign over His workers and their circumstances, for which reason the gospel advances victoriously.  Moreover, He is endowed with authority over fallen men, so that He is able to bring the elect to faith in Himself.  Christ brings to pass all that is necessary for the accomplishment of the Great Commission.  By His authority, the gospel will triumph:

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” - Matthew 28:18-20

As our Lord issued His Great Commission, He claimed the absolute sovereignty and universal dominion to undergird and ensure the success of the worldwide enterprise of the gospel.  The authority of Christ guarantees that the preaching of God's Word will bear fruit in the hearts of men.  He has the authority to send the Holy Spirit to convict of sin, righteousness, and judgment.  He has the authority to overcome all obstacles and to open hearts.  He has the authority to grant repentance and saving faith.  He has authority to covert His enemies and to build up His church.  As a result, His servants will be raised up and disciples will be made.  Let there be no uncertainty:  Jesus has unlimited authority, especially in the execution of the Great Commission for the saving of the elect.

Affirming this divine annunciation, [James Montgomery] Boice writes, "The declaration of Christ's authority on earth means that he has authority over those who are not yet believers.  That is, his authority extends to the people to whom he sends us with the gospel.  It follows, on the one hand, that Christianity is to be a world religion.  No one is outside the sphere of his authority or es exempt from his call.  On the other hand, this is also a statement of Jesus' ability to bring fruit from our efforts, for it is through the exercise of his authority that men and women actually come to believe and follow him."

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