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Monday, April 12, 2010

Why Obama's Healthcare Is Wrong

By Terry James

A friend of Rapture Ready who has written to say he is in agreement with our view on most things says he must take exception with RR's opinion on the matter of the healthcare legislation recently signed by President Barack Obama.

I haven't addressed to any great extent in this forum what I indeed consider a program that moves America down a dangerous road. The loss of individual freedoms will be the result, to say the very least--but there are deeper considerations I want to address here.

The following is part of our friend's expression of concern regarding our opposition to this, what I see as a great debacle the American people will one day regret profoundly:

I respectfully take issue with Rapture Ready's stance on healthcare reform. Perhaps the health bill will [be] repealed by Republicans, and you'll probably see that as a godly action, but lack of insurance leads to early death for many. If biblical social justice means that elderly widows get Medicare, it also should mean that orphans and the children of the poor get insurance that the rest of us have. For insurance to work, the healthy must have it as well as regulating insurers so they cannot deny it or cancel it when it's needed. (April 3, 2010) 

The key words in this friend's objection to our view are "biblical social justice."

There is simply nothing biblical about this grab for power and control by a government inebriated on the dollars it can print and spend almost by presidential fiat. If it truly were a biblically correct--rather than a politically correct--effort, I would have no problem with it.

Now to look more deeply into the reason Christians shouldn't support this or any such grab for control that ultimately will enslave.

Human governance, we must remember, is not God's Idea. It is man's idea--to do things apart from the Creator. We see this from history given us in the Bible--and that's the only history that counts in God's dealing with us, in my understanding of the matters involved.

Adam's first decision to disobey God and instead accept Lucifer's way was rebellion against God's governance, and it came to a crisis point when the whole world became filled with violence and was corrupted in every other way--producing total anarchy. The Flood provided a new beginning.

Then came the crisis on the Plain of Shinar with Nimrod and the tower of Babel. Again, God dealt with the crisis, and the whole of humanistic government was destroyed and the people scattered--Peleg and the peoples of earth were geographically redistributed, and all of the rest...

Israel was the next example. The chosen of God--the Jewish people--wanted human government, not God's reign over them. The Lord let them have Saul. That is because He is a God who gave mankind volition. He wants His creation to love Him unconditionally; He doesn't want robots engineered to adore Him.

Humanistic government is again building to a supreme crisis point. It has always built to crises points. Every civilization, empire, etc., has come apart, dissolved, or been destroyed because of the rebellion and determination to live apart from God.

This time, it is building like the Vesuvius of all rebellions. America is the apex nation of all nations, and is the head of this gargantuan boil that is filling with explosive corruption that will one day blow. All nations of the world are tied inextricably to the U.S.--the most materially blessed of all nations to have come to power upon the planet's surface.

All of this corruption constitutes the Babylonian system, which Daniel and John prophesied in presenting the strange beast that comes up out of the sea in Revelation 1 and lumbers about in Daniel 7.

America is bound to Israel in a supernatural way, and it is all tied together by the incessant call for peace--not God's peace and the Prince of Peace, but humanistic peace. The result is going to be exactly as God gives it in Psalms 2, then the "kings of the earth" will achieve the "peace" they desire, as given in Isaiah 28:15 and 18.

Man will get his humanistic government; the ultimately "evolved" man will be earth's master for a brief time, God letting man have his desire to do what is right in his own eyes.

This current bubble of humanistic effort to build utopia, which supposedly can be achieved through a drive for humanistic socialism (that's the only kind of socialism there is), will explode when the rapture occurs and the top is knocked off the boil. Only God's staying hand has kept things from imploding--economic collapse, etc.

So, I am against man-made efforts in wanting to micromanage our lives. Such efforts comprise the grist for tyranny. You see where it's going. It is nothing more or less than a luciferian grab for power--a voracious lust for control by his human agents and agencies.

God gave man, through the Bible, the formula for living life the way He intended. His Word says in effect that we should "let those who won't work, not eat" (see 2 Thes. 3:10, 12). He gave us the way to take care of the widows, orphans, and the infirm--even the legitimately indigent. This is to be done through the largesse of God's people, those who fully accept His way of governance. The Lord Jesus Christ is that only way. Man long ago decided to dispense with God's prescription in dealing with matters of societal interaction. Burdensome, enslaving government seeks power through promising deliverance from social ills it can never produce. What it will produce, however, we can see in Bible prophecy's description of humanistic government's final attempt to usurp the throne of God. (Read Revelation 13:16-18.)


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