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Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Kwanzaa Deception

By Justin Edwards

BLACKS IN AMERICA have suffered an endless series of insults and degradations, the latest of which goes by the name of Kwanzaa. - The late Tony Snow

Kwanzaa is a made-up holiday invented by the racist Marxist Maulana Karenga in 1966 as an alternative celebration for blacks beginning the day after Christmas and ending on January 1. Karenga once said,

People think its African but its not, I came up with Kwanzaa because black people wouldn’t celebrate it if they knew it was American. Also I put it around Christmas because I knew that’s when a lot of bloods were partying.

Karenga also publicly espoused that Jesus was psychotic and Christianity was a white religion that blacks should shun (source).

The most disturbing part about Kwanzaa is that many who celebrate this holiday invented by a God-hater are professing black Christians. I have no doubt that some do so out of ignorance to what Karenga actually taught, however, it is important to speak the truth on this matter nevertheless. The bottom line is - Kwanzaa and Christianity are in no way compatible, just as Black Liberation Theology is in no way compatible with Christianity.

In an effort to honor expose this pagan holiday to shed light on its origins and challenge those who celebrate this unbiblical tradition, I will be posting a Kwanzaa article each day this week (December 26-January 1). I initially wanted to compile these articles in a single post, but felt there was too much that might be missed in doing so. Most of these articles are authored by black Christians who understand the fraudulence of Kwanzaa and Karenga's efforts to draw blacks away from Christianity. So with that, if you are sympathetic towards this fake holiday or participate in it yourself, I pray you will be open to what I present to you and exhort you to seek the Lord on this issue and ask Him to give you wisdom and discernment as to what this holiday actually represents.

No race, ethnicity, or nationality should be put on such a pedestal. Whether black, white, yellow, or brown, we all have one thing in common - our sin - and our focus must remain on the person and work of Jesus Christ, who alone is worthy of our worship and who alone is worthy to be exalted. If you are a black Christian who celebrates Kwanzaa, I leave you with these words from Karenga, which reduce Truth to mere myth:

In Christian and Jewish mythology, humans are born in sin, cursed with mythical ancestors who have sinned, and brought the wrath of an angry God on every generation head (source).

The first post of this series will serve to provide the socio-political background of Kwanzaa, which should give us a decent foundation before we delve into the spiritual and unbiblical aspect:

The TRUTH about Kwanzaa

By Tony Snow

BLACKS IN AMERICA have suffered an endless series of insults and degradations, the latest of which goes by the name of Kwanzaa.

Ron Karenga (aka Dr. Maulana Ron Karenga) invented the seven-day feast (Dec. 26-Jan. 1) in 1966, branding it a black alternative to Christmas. The idea was to celebrate the end of what he considered the Christmas-season exploitation of African Americans.

According to the official Kwanzaa Web site -- as opposed, say, to the Hallmark Cards Kwanzaa site -- the celebration was designed to foster "conditions that would enhance the revolutionary social change for the masses of Black Americans" and provide a "reassessment, reclaiming, recommitment, remembrance, retrieval, resumption, resurrection and rejuvenation of those principles (Way of Life) utilized by Black Americans' ancestors."

Karenga postulated seven principles: unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity and faith, each of which gets its day during Kwanzaa week. He and his votaries also crafted a flag of black nationalism and a pledge: "We pledge allegiance to the red, black, and green, our flag, the symbol of our eternal struggle, and to the land we must obtain; one nation of black people, with one G-d of us all, totally united in the struggle, for black love, black freedom, and black self-determination."

Now, the point: There is no part of Kwanzaa that is not fraudulent. Begin with the name. The celebration comes from the Swahili term "matunda yakwanza," or "first fruit," and the festival's trappings have Swahili names -- such as "ujima" for "collective work and responsibility" or "muhindi," which are ears of corn celebrants set aside for each child in a family.

Unfortunately, Swahili has little relevance for American blacks. Most slaves were ripped from the shores of West Africa. Swahili is an East African tongue.

To put that in perspective, the cultural gap between Senegal and Kenya is as dramatic as the chasm that separates, say, London and Tehran. Imagine singing "G-d Save the Queen" in Farsi, and you grasp the enormity of the gaffe.

Worse, Kwanzaa ceremonies have no discernible African roots. No culture on earth celebrates a harvesting ritual in December, for instance, and the implicit pledges about human dignity don't necessarily jibe with such still-common practices as female circumcision and polygamy. The inventors of Kwanzaa weren't promoting a return to roots; they were shilling for Marxism. They even appropriated the term "ujima," which Julius Nyrere cited when he uprooted tens of thousands of Tanzanians and shipped them forcibly to collective farms, where they proved more adept at cultivating misery than banishing hunger.

Even the rituals using corn don't fit. Corn isn't indigenous to Africa. Mexican Indians developed it, and the crop was carried worldwide by white colonialists.

The fact is, there is no Ur-African culture. The continent remains stubbornly tribal. Hutus and Tutsis still slaughter one another for sport.

Go to Kenya, where I taught briefly as a young man, and you'll see endless hostility between Kikuyu, Luo, Luhya and Masai. Even South African politics these days have more to do with tribal animosities than ideological differences.

Moreover, chaos too often prevails over order. Warlords hold sway in Somalia, Eritrea, Liberia and Zaire. Genocidal maniacs have wiped out millions in Rwanda, Uganda and Ethiopia. The once-shining hopes for Kenya have vanished.

Detroit native Keith Richburg writes in his extraordinary book, "Out of America: A Black Man Confronts Africa," that "this strange place defies even the staunchest of optimists; it drains you of hope ..."

Richburg, who served for three years as the African bureau chief for The Washington Post, offers a challenge for the likes of Karenga: "Talk to me about Africa and my black roots and my kinship with my African brothers and I'll throw it back in your face, and then I'll rub your nose in the images of rotting flesh."

His book concludes: "I have been here, and I have seen -- and frankly, I want no part of it. .... By an accident of birth, I am a black man born in America, and everything I am today -- my culture and my attitudes, my sensibilities, loves and desires -- derives from that one simple and irrefutable fact."

Nobody ever ennobled a people with a lie or restored stolen dignity through fraud. Kwanzaa is the ultimate chump holiday -- Jim Crow with a false and festive wardrobe. It praises practices -- "cooperative economics, and collective work and responsibility" -- that have succeeded nowhere on earth and would mire American blacks in endless backwardness.

Our treatment of Kwanzaa provides a revealing sign of how far we have yet to travel on the road to reconciliation. The white establishment has thrown in with it, not just to cash in on the business, but to patronize black activists and shut them up.

This year, President Clinton signed his fourth Kwanzaa proclamation. He crooned: "The symbols and ceremony of Kwanzaa, evoking the rich history and heritage of African Americans, remind us that our nation draws much of its strength from our diversity."

But our strength, as Richburg points out, comes from real principles: tolerance, brotherhood, hard work, personal responsibility, equality before the law. If Americans really cared about racial healing, they would focus on those ideas -- and not on a made-up rite that mistakes segregationism for spirituality and fiction for history.

UPDATE:  Although I set out to post a 7-part series on Kwanzaa, I have decided to provide you the links for your own reading. Against my better judgment I planned on using airō resources to expand on this topic, but quite frankly Kwanzaa does not deserve more attention than a single post. Please forgive me for the confusion.

I invite you to read the following links to learn more about this fraudulent and deceptive holiday:

Kwanzaa Is for Pagans

The Kwanzaa Deception

Don't Let Anyone Fool You, Kwanzaa IS Religious!

The Truth About Kwanzaa - New ebook!

Kwanzaa Creator a Secular Kook, Convict

Kwanzaa - Racist Holiday from Hell

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