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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Reigning King

By Justin Edwards


"He is the heir of all things.

He is the Creator of the universe.

He is the radiance of Divine Glory.

He is the facsimile of God's nature.

He is the providential Lord.

He is the successful High Priest.

And finally, He is the reigning King!

After He provided purification for sins He sat down.


At the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.

He sat down at the Supreme Place in of all the universe.

You see, in the ancient world the right hand of the monarch symbolized royal power, absolute authority, and unparalleled glory.

At the accomplishment of His purifying work, Jesus rose from the dead, ascended into heaven, and He sat down at the Father's right hand - to reign.

And one day He will leave that throne again.

He will return to this place as King to judge.

The unequaled greatness of God's Son.

God's Final Word.

He is the heir of all things.

You belong to Him.

He is the Creator of the universe!

He made you.

He is the radiance of Divine Glory!

To walk away from Him in any direction is descent.

He is the facsimile of God's nature.

All you need to know about God you will find in Him.

He is the providential Lord.

All of your ways have been marked out by His design.

He is the successful High Priest.

Purification for your sin can be found in no other source.

And He is the reigning King.

The One to whom you owe ultimate allegiance.

The One to whom every man, every woman, every boy, every girl will one day bow." - Art Azurdia

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