By Justin Edwards
In the following must-hear message titled America: The Modern-Day Valley of Slaughter, Tony Miano warns:
Judgment begins with the house of God. There are many in the American church today who are not truly pro-life. They claim to be pro-life yet they vote as if they are pro-choice. When they vote, they put their own quality of life over the lives of unborn children. They vote for candidates who are on par with their views on fiscal and defense issues, while willingly turning a blind eye to their murderous views regarding the unborn. If you claim to be pro-life, but vote for ANY reason for candidates who are pro-choice, then you are pro-choice! Stop lying to yourself, stop lying to God, you are pro-choice! You are not pro-life if you allow for the murder of the unborn because of the crimes of the father. If you think that it is OK to abort children because of rape and incest, you are willingly allowing for the murder of children because of the crimes of their father. Repent. If you don't repent, then you are co-conspirators and accomplices to the murder of the unborn.
Please take an hour to watch or listen to this message and share with your professing Christian friends who vote for pro-choice candidates. I also highly recommend the following message by Curt Arend:
Abortion: America's Holocaust