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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Jesus Christ, the Sovereign Savior

By Justin Edwards

From Dr. Steven Lawson's Foundations of Grace, chapter 9 titled The Greatest Expositor of Grace - The Lord Jesus Christ:  Matthew, Mark, and Luke (pg. 244):

(red emphasis added)

Jesus Christ clearly affirmed His absolute sovereignty in all realms of His creation.  This supreme authority is seen especially in matters dealing with the salvation of men.  Christ is sovereign over His workers and their circumstances, for which reason the gospel advances victoriously.  Moreover, He is endowed with authority over fallen men, so that He is able to bring the elect to faith in Himself.  Christ brings to pass all that is necessary for the accomplishment of the Great Commission.  By His authority, the gospel will triumph:

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” - Matthew 28:18-20

As our Lord issued His Great Commission, He claimed the absolute sovereignty and universal dominion to undergird and ensure the success of the worldwide enterprise of the gospel.  The authority of Christ guarantees that the preaching of God's Word will bear fruit in the hearts of men.  He has the authority to send the Holy Spirit to convict of sin, righteousness, and judgment.  He has the authority to overcome all obstacles and to open hearts.  He has the authority to grant repentance and saving faith.  He has authority to covert His enemies and to build up His church.  As a result, His servants will be raised up and disciples will be made.  Let there be no uncertainty:  Jesus has unlimited authority, especially in the execution of the Great Commission for the saving of the elect.

Affirming this divine annunciation, [James Montgomery] Boice writes, "The declaration of Christ's authority on earth means that he has authority over those who are not yet believers.  That is, his authority extends to the people to whom he sends us with the gospel.  It follows, on the one hand, that Christianity is to be a world religion.  No one is outside the sphere of his authority or es exempt from his call.  On the other hand, this is also a statement of Jesus' ability to bring fruit from our efforts, for it is through the exercise of his authority that men and women actually come to believe and follow him."

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Why Are You Saved?

By Justin Edwards

But we ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers beloved by the Lord, because God chose you as the firstfruits to be saved, through sanctification by the Spirit and belief in the truth. To this he called you through our gospel, so that you may obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. - 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14

A brother recently shared with me the following sermon by Pastor John Weaver, which is part 2 of 6 in his series titled, The Doctrine of Election.  Packed full of Scripture testifying to the sovereign election of God, this message is a must-listen for those embracing the biblical doctrine of election or those eager to learn the truth behind it.

I encourage you to check any preconceived notions about election at the door and dig deep to ask yourself one question -

"Why are you saved?"

Pastor Weaver will help answer that question:

The Doctrine of Election - Part 2

Monday, May 23, 2011

Open Letter Rebuke and Call to Repentance for Harold Camping

By Justin Edwards

Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries has just posted an open letter calling for the repentance of false teacher Harold Camping of Family Radio, who as expected failed in his prediction of judgment day on May 21, 2011.  If you were deceived by Camping's cult through Family Radio,, or through any other means, please know today is also the day for you to repent.  I encourage you to begin with the following link:  Eternal Life

Do not take for granted that you already know how to go to heaven, for if you were deceived by Harold Camping, there's a good chance you are deceived into believing a false gospel and remain under the wrath of God.  Please do post a comment or contact me privately if you need someone to speak with regarding your salvation.

Dr. White begins his rebuke with the following:

Dear Mr. Camping:

In July of 2009 you and I engaged in a debate on the Iron Sharpens Iron radio program concerning your teaching that the church age had ended and that Christ would return on May 21, 2011. I trust you recall our exchange. I am also aware that you have at least seen my book, Dangerous Airwaves: Harold Camping Refuted and Christ's Church Defended. I have been seeking to warn people about your teachings, sir, for about a decade. I know others have been warning the church about you longer than I.

Mr. Camping I am writing to seek your repentance and the most God-glorifying outcome of the debacle of your failed May 21, 2011 prophecy/teaching. I am not writing to engage in debate with you. The time for debate ended on May 22, 2011. It is now time for you to repent and seek to undo the massive damage you have done, first and foremost, to the cause of Christ.

Let me first list the items you need to repent of, openly and publicly (for you are a public person, and your teachings were disseminated all around the world). 

Continue reading this call for repentance here:  An Open Letter to Harold Camping of Family Radio

UPDATE:  Per his Family Radio show last night, Harold Camping remains unrepentant.  Click here for details: Harold Camping: Unrepentant False Prophet Refuses to Stop Dragging Christ's Name Through the Mud

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Camping Cultists Yield Scoffers Against True Christianity

By Justin Edwards

Thanks to Trisha Ramos from Fish with Trish for posting this yesterday.  It pretty much sums up the consequences of Harold Camping's false prophecy as a cult leader, which will ultimately tarnish the truth of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  We certainly have our work cut out for us - let us begin and stay on our knees.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lunchtime Evangelism

By Justin Edwards

A couple of weeks ago I was thinking about the blessed opportunity of a local brother who is able to open-air preach in Uptown Charlotte every Friday on his lunch break.  Uptown is a very busy, pedestrian-friendly city center populated with corporate businesses, shops, and restaurants, thus giving this brother potentially hundreds of people to hear the proclamation of the Gospel each week.  As I thought about his personal ministry, I began to wish I was able to do such a thing – and then it hit me after a few moments – I DO have such an opportunity to engage the lost during my lunch break!  I immediately rejoiced and thanked God for revealing to me another avenue for which I can share the Gospel with a dying world.

My workplace happens to be along a busy bus route that services local public health, social services, and a chemical dependency center.  Any time I pass these bus stops, there’s anywhere from a handful to 1 or 2 dozen of people, so there’s usually always someone there to engage.  Since last week, I’ve been able to get out there 4 or 5 times, spending anywhere from 10 to 35 minutes during my lunch break.

The challenging part about this type of witnessing is that you have a limited amount of time to share the Gospel with the buses coming every 20 minutes.  I’ve realized I need to sharpen my delivery of the Gospel as I ran out of time on a couple of occasions, so this is going to bless me in that regard. When time allows, it’s wonderful to be able to share deeper truths with people, but oftentimes we must be concise and keep the focus on the essentials of the Gospel.

After meeting a professing Christian and encouraging her for about 10 minutes yesterday, the bus arrived and I was able to hand out 10 or so more tracts to those waiting to get on the bus. I proceeded across the street on the way back to my truck when I saw 3 men waiting for the outbound bus.  I looked at my watch and saw that I had a few minutes left before I had to get back to work.  I handed a tract to each one and told them the back of the tract contained the “trillion dollar question.”  Anthony began reading the tract on the spot, reading it intensely in fact.  I really didn’t know what to say as he was concentrating, then all of a sudden he cracked a slight smile and said, “man, I think I was fine until I got there” – he was referring to adultery in the heart, the sin of lust.

As God would have it, for the next 20 minutes I was able to share the best news that Anthony had ever heard.  We talked about the Law of God and the fact we have all sinned against Him, and we all deserve the just punishment in hell.  When I explained to Him the sacrifice of Christ and the beauty of the Savior to redeem a people for Himself, he was taken aback as he had never heard it explained like that before.  It was apparent Anthony could feel the weight of his sin and the bloody price paid for sinners as he wiped tears from his eyes several times during our conversation.

I pleaded with Anthony that if he hears the voice of the Son of God speaking through me and the Word of God, if God had given him ears to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd to repent and follow Him, then don’t wait any longer.  Today is the day of salvation, and the Lord of glory is worthy to be served, loved, obeyed, worshiped, and praised with all of our heart, mind, soul, and strength.  This Jesus who is coming back in flaming fire to take vengeance upon those who disobey the Gospel of Christ, who will show no mercy to those who refuse to bow down to Him today, is offering mercy to sinners now!  I told Anthony if he believed everything I was saying as truth, and he wants to be set free from the bondage of his sin, putting on the yoke of Christ to learn from Him, then just cry out to Him calling upon the name of the Lord to save him from his sins.  I told him he doesn’t need to repeat a prayer or go to the alter of a church, he just needs to get alone with God and be reconciled to him.

Then Anthony said,

I think I just did that.

I said,

what do you mean?

He responded,

I didn’t cry out loud, I just cried out inside – in my heart.

“Hallelujah” burst from my lips in near unbelief, it was incredible.

To see the sovereign work of God in a man is indescribable if what had just happened was genuine.  As the bus came over the hill, I gave Anthony my card and explained to him the resources found on airō.  I told him I’d love to get up with him and talk more about this, and he was eager to send me his email address.  Anthony explained to me he knew everything in his past had driven him to this point in time to speak with me, and I told him I expected to hear from him.  I gave him a Gospel of John and also pointed him to 1st John, and he was on his way.

As you might imagine, I rejoiced the whole way back to work.  I was so thrilled by this Divine appointment that I got out of my truck with the keys still in the ignition and the engine running.  I can’t say in absolute terms that Anthony was born again yesterday, but if what I witnessed was indeed the manifestation of sovereign grace, I trust God will finish the work He started in Anthony regardless of whether he follows up with me.

This is just one amazing story of Grace working through me to touch the life of another potential sheep of the Good Shepherd.  By taking a few minutes out of my day to reach out to others, God has blessed me richly through the proclamation of the Gospel during my day.  I want to ask you to consider how you might be able to do the same during your day.

What kind of opportunities might you have throughout the day that you’ve never considered before? Are you also along a transit route?  Are you near a shopping center or other type of pedestrian-friendly area?  Can you take half of your lunch break to go out and hand a few tracts to people?  Who is just right outside your door that you’ve never engaged?  If you have this opportunity, won’t you consider getting out of your comfort zone, stepping out on faith to see what God will do?

Let’s hear about it!

Originally posted at The Speak:Truth Project

Monday, May 16, 2011


By Justin Edwards

"If you allow the impartation of Jesus Christ to overtake you, suddenly it all works.  Because it's Him imitating Himself, and He's very good at being God."

Incredible video on the strength we find in Christ to do HIS work:


Scoffing and Harold Camping's May 21st Cult

By Justin Edwards

The hype of Harold Camping's false prophecy will continue to get louder as we approach this Saturday, May 21, 2011.  In the audio and brief article below, Christian apologist Dr. James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries addresses some of the issues regarding the fallout from Camping's failed prophecy.  What can Christians do in response to the certain scoffing (2 Peter 3:3-4) that will follow on May 22 and beyond?  What should our response be to those who have been so deceived by Camping and the cult?  How do we protect our churches from their heresies and influence within the Body of Christ?

These questions and more are answered by Dr. James White:

Harold Camping and May 21st - Sermon Audio

In addition, you can listen to Dr. White's debate with Harold Camping from 2009:

Harold Camping Debates Dr. James White - Part 1

Harold Camping Debates Dr. James White - Part 2

James White Reviews His Debate with Harold Camping

Harold Camping Reviews His Debate with Dr. James White

Some Thoughts on the End of the World

05/14/2011 - James White

Can you imagine what it will be like for Campingites around the world a week from today? Listening to the news, waiting to hear about earthquakes at 6pm all around the world? Maybe saying goodbye to loved ones? Giving away personal items, all the time, wondering….

I listened to two NPR reports on Camping's prophecy today, and it was truly disheartening to listen to these folks. One lady had been about to enroll in medical college, but did not, so that she could warn people about "Judgment Day." Another man had left wife and children behind, as they did not "believe." A couple, the woman expecting their second child in June, were interviewed. They had given up everything, and had just enough money to make it till May 21. After that…well, they will be destitute. The New York Post just reported on a man who squandered his $140,000 life's savings to buy advertisements in the New York area promoting the May 21 prophecy. Can you imagine the chuckles of all those going to work on Monday the 23rd as they pass those advertisements? Thanks, Mr. Camping.

Well, are you ready? Even those living in a pretty sheltered world are starting to hear about May 21 now. The date is met with chuckles and smiles by most. Another end times prophet, more reason to question those nutty Christians. Atheists are planning Rapture Parties. Documentaries will be made about what happens on May 22nd. Disappointed followers will be looked at closely. Concerns, quite valid concerns, exist about some choosing to depart this world forcibly should they live to see May 22nd. Some of Camping's callers have been calling to ask about euthanizing their pets before May 21, and an atheist group has set up a pet rescue program where, for only $135, they will come get your dog or cat after you are raptured (the offer is good for ten years!).

I have thought a good deal about the whole thing lately, being one of those who have sought to expose Camping over the past decade. One thing is for sure, no one will be able to accuse me of having ignored the issue. It has never been a prime focus, it has never been a top priority, but there are few major ministries who have been "on target" with Camping's false teachings any longer than we have. My debate with him left no questions in the minds of any who were willing to listen, but, of course, that's the problem. Campingites are an odd bunch.

Now, I firmly believe Jesus is coming again. He could come today, He could even come on the 21st---no one on earth, even a false prophet, can keep Jesus from coming back for His bride. But He is not coming back only for Campingites (and they have surely added belief in May 21 as part of what one must believe to be saved). Every time some maverick like Camping decides to go off the reservation and promote a prophecy like this, scorn is brought on all of us who believe Jesus is coming again. The mockery factor will be quite high come Monday the 23rd.

I do not know what Camping is going to do on Monday the 23rd. He has closed every door on his options. He has said the Bible guarantees it. There is no plan B. This is it, plain and simple, no question marks after May 21, 2011? or the like to fall back on. I have thought he might spiritualize it, like Miller did back in 1844 or so, but he has really not left that option open either. He could always claim a blown calculation (we provided him with examples of errors in his numbers last year, in fact), but that would leave him without much credibility as a number-cruncher, and his system is nothing if it isn't based on number-crunching. Will he even show up on Open Forum on Monday? I mean, at 89 years of age, you'd think retirement would all of a sudden become a very viable option.

I can't imagine what a Monday, May 23rd, 2011 Open Forum broadcast would be like, however. Can you imagine the calls? Not only the mockery from unbelievers, but the anger from his own followers? It would probably be the highest rated program ever, to be sure. Their servers would melt down on the Internet side. But that would be temporary, and one can surely predict the collapse of Family Radio as a result of Camping's second major prophetic failure. One would hope, at least, that finally he would be removed and taken off the air so as to deceive no more. But, you would have thought that would have happened back in 1994. It didn't. There is always an audience for false prophets.

And of course there is the issue of what Campingites will do in the future. Let's be brutally honest: Campingites are, in the main, very odd people. As a whole they reject authority. They tend to be loners who do not like being around others. That's why they bought his attack on the church so easily. Many will not want to repent of their following a false prophet, embracing false doctrine, and attacking Christ's church. And I should emphasize this, that is exactly what must be demanded of any and every follower of Harold Camping after the May 21 date passes---repentance. If they show up at your church, be warned! They have engaged in sinful slander of Christ's church and the gospel, and they should be exhorted to repent and confess their errors before being given, over a period of time, access to the fellowship of believers once again. They should be watched carefully by elders to see if they have truly repented or whether they are just putting on a show so that they can once again bring their odd views and beliefs into the church.

At the same time, some of these folks will be absolutely positively devastated when their clock shows them it is May 22nd and the sun will rise in a matter of hours. They will have nothing left, and, given that Camping lied to them and said "the Bible guarantees it," many, many will abandon all belief in the Bible as Scripture. Atheist groups will be touting former Campingites who "saw the light" in the coming months. Remember that in the years after the failed 1975 prophecy of Jehovah's Witnesses, about a million people left the Watchtower. But, they did not join any other religious organization. They became the religiously abused, the burned out, the "don't talk to me about that stuff" crowd. And while I doubt Camping has that many followers, there will still be a large number who will throw it all away, saying the Bible is not worthy to be believed, all because Camping twisted it and distorted it and lied to his followers. He will have much to answer for on the real judgment day, which, at age 89, is very close at hand for him.

So once again, many thanks, Harold Camping. You will once again make the Bible, the Gospel, and the cross, a mockery, all because of your insatiable pride and arrogance. This time, the Lord allowed you to fall into more rank heresy in the process, but still, you say enough "right things" to bring mockery and disrepute upon all who hold the Bible to be the Word of God. Your followers will stand to condemn you on judgment day, to be sure, but more importantly, God well knows how many of us have tried to reason with you, tried to show you the error of your ways. You refused, and now the time is coming for judgment indeed. May 21st is judgment day after all: for Harold Camping, for Family Radio, and for all who have followed Camping into heresy and error.

(HT to John Samson for the video below)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Countdown to Deception - Harold Camping and the May 21st Cult

By Justin Edwards

Millions of professing Christians are set to be woefully deceived 7 days from today on May 21, 2011.  This is the date that false prophet Harold Camping of Family Radio has predicted the end of the world.  In my article on January 4th titled May 21, 2011 and the Harold Camping Cult "Prophecy", I explained some of the heretical teachings of Camping, which have established him as a damned false teacher and cult leader.  Here's a short video from Hank Hanegraff on this false prophecy:

When May 22 comes, what will his followers from the cult say?  Might this contribute to further apostasy leading up to 2 Thessalonians 2:3:

Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first...

There are many other things taking place around the world that are setting the stage for Christ's return, and I think this day of deception on May 21, 2011 just might be one of them.  We shall see - even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!

If you are reading this post as one of Camping's followers, please take a moment to read the simple message of salvation at the following link - God's plan is not nearly as complicated as the false prophet Harold Camping has taught:  Eternal Life

Please do post your comments, questions, or concerns below.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Brannon Howse Interview w/ Jimmy DeYoung

By Justin Edwards

Re-post - This post disappeared due to blogger server maintenance:

Yesterday I had the chance to listen to the following interview from Brannon Howse with Jimmy DeYoung of Prophecy Today, and what a fascinating and lively discussion it was! From the Worldview Weekend Radio show notes:

Brannon Howse: Aired May 10, 2011

Brannon’s guest is Jimmy DeYoung. This is one of the best programs we have ever had. The wealth of information on the Middle East, Israel, rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem and the coming wars is overwhelming. Jimmy also explains why he believes John Hagee is a heretic and why he believes Glenn Beck is so dangerous to the real church. The volume of Scripture DeYoung quotes to make his points is in itself worth hearing.

Indeed, I hope you also get the chance to listen - our King is coming soon!

Click link to download: Brannon Howse with Jimmy DeYoung 5/10/11 mp3

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Tale of a Good Person

A few weeks ago the Eternal Life page was completed at The Speak:Truth Project and I decided to include it here on airō's Eternal Life page as well.  It is also posted below for your convenience:

The Tale of a Good Person

John would be considered a model American citizen. As a 42 year old  paramedic, he was in the business of saving lives and received various  awards for his stellar character and work ethic including Paramedic of  the Year, Rookie Medic of the Year, Community Service Award, Mentor of  the Year, and the Above and Beyond Award. He was a loving husband and a  father of 3 boys, who were fortunate to have a dad so involved in their  education and extra-curricular activities. John served at the homeless  shelter once per month and volunteered his time at the free medical  clinic several times a year. He was loved by many and anyone he came in  contact with would have considered him to be a good person. John would  have considered himself to be a good person for it’s the very thing he  was striven to be.

During his last service as a paramedic, John was responding to a  multi-car pileup on a major interstate when a drunk driver swerved and  hit him from behind. He died instantly at the scene.

Sadly, John is in hell now. Why? Because he thought he was a good person. He thought he was good enough to go to heaven.

This is the mindset of most professing Christians in America today.  Many believe they are Christians by birthright, are Christians because  they have a good relationship with “the church”, or because they are  good people, especially compared to the likes of Adolph Hitler or  Charles Manson. In John’s case, he believed in God (as most Americans  do) and thought his heart for his community and devotion to his family  would earn him the right to go to heaven. But the one thing John never  came to grips with was his sin, especially his pride in thinking he was  good enough to go to heaven.

The Law of God

The Bible tells us that we were born into sin (Psalm 51:5) and there  is no one righteous (Romans 3:10). Righteousness simply means  perfection. Perfect in every way, including behavior, attribute,  attitude, and word. It is God’s standard that He requires of every human  in order for them to go to heaven. In other words, we must be perfect  (Matthew 5:20).

Although in the eyes of men John would be considered a good person,  and rightfully so, he was not perfect. We know this from Scripture,  specifically according to the perfect standard for which God judges  righteousness. These are known as the 10 Commandments found in Exodus  20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21, and God uses these to reveal our sin  (Romans 3:19-20). By going through these eternal laws of God, we can  easily see how none of us have hit the mark of perfection:
  1. You shall have no other gods before me  – if you have ever worshiped a god other than the one true God, then  you have worshiped a false god and are guilty of breaking the 1st  commandment.
  2. You shall not make for yourself an idol  – if you have ever crafted a god to worship, you are guilty of breaking  the 2nd commandment. Furthermore, if you have created a god in your own  image to cater to your lifestyle, you have broken this commandment.  Most Americans are worshiping an idol god whom they have crafted in  their minds.
  3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God  – this is known as blasphemy or using the name of the Lord in vain. We  are to treat the name of God with reverence. Any time we use His holy  name to express frustration, anger, flippancy, or disgust, we break this  commandment. This includes “omg”, etc.
  4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy  – if you have not perfectly set aside a day of rest and worship unto  the Lord each week all the days of your life, then you are guilty of  breaking this commandment.
  5. Honor your father and your mother – if you have not perfectly honored your mother and father, then you are guilty of breaking the 5th commandment.
  6. You shall not murder  – perhaps you have never committed premeditated murder, but Jesus said  in Matthew 5:21-22 that if you so much as call anyone a fool, then you  have already committed murder in your heart. This includes hatred,  unjust anger, or cursing someone. If you’ve done this one time, then you  have broken the 6th commandment.
  7. You shall not commit adultery  – it does not take an unfaithful act of cheating on one’s spouse to be  considered adultery. Jesus said in Matthew 5:27-28 that if you lust in  your mind then you have committed adultery in your heart. This means any  premarital intimate or  sexual encounter you have had, any look at soft or hard pornography,  any sexual thought toward any person at all in person, by watching  movies, listening to music, or reading books, magazines, or online  material makes you guilty of breaking the 7th commandment.
  8. You shall not steal  – that pencil you stole in elementary school, the pack of gum from your  childhood friend, cheating on a test, illegally downloading music from  the internet, petty theft, shoplifting, or grand larceny – it’s all  theft. If you have stolen anything regardless of its value, then you  have broken the 8th commandment.
  9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor – in other words, you shall not lie.  There is no such thing as a “white lie”. If you have ever told a  “non-truth”, stretched the truth, or given a false statement to anyone  for any reason, then you have broken the 9th commandment.
  10. You shall not covet  – have you ever desired something that was not yours? Have you ever  said, “man, I wish I had that”, or “I wish I had him or her”? This shows  a lack of appreciation for the things you do have, and these wrong  desires could lead to other sins including murder, adultery, or theft.  If you have ever coveted material possessions or people, then you are  guilty of breaking the 10th commandment.
John thought the 10 commandments were a good moral code to live by.  Especially in his adult years, he tried to live with the utmost  integrity and did his best to never lie to anyone. He certainly did not  steal or hate anyone, and remained faithful to his wife during their 20  years of marriage. But John did not consider his secret thought life to  be a big deal. He assumed it was normal to admire pretty women in  bikinis, whether it was at the beach or on the grocery store magazine  rack. And although he was somewhat rebellious as a teenager and  dishonored his parents, he had incredible respect for them now.

John thought his outward actions of being a model citizen and family  guy would be his ticket to heaven. He thought God would approve of his  “goodness” and the scales would tip in his favor to give him access to  the streets of gold. But what John did not see in himself was that his  heart was deceitful and desperately wicked above all things (Jeremiah  17:9). His heart deceived him and he never knew the God of the Bible –  the One and Only True, Holy, Righteous, and Just God of all creation. He  was thus guilty of breaking the first two commandments.

The Problem of Sin

In James 2:10, we see that anyone who attempts to live by the law is  guilty of breaking every law when they break one law. To make matters  worse, any time we don’t do what we should, we are guilty of sinning  (James 4:17). And that’s our problem – sin. Sin is the breaking of the  Law of God, whether we do so willfully or unintentionally. If we sin  once in our entire lives, we are considered lawbreakers (1 John 3:4).

The penalty for breaking the Law of God one time is death (Romans  3:23). In fact, it was one single sin that made all of creation fall  when Adam chose to disobey God in the Garden  of Eden (Genesis 3). It is sin, therefore, that has separated us from a  right fellowship with God, and it is sin that has condemned us to an  eternal hell (John 3:18).

From the moment we were conceived, all of mankind was condemned,  including yourself. Each of us deserve the justice of a Holy God for  having failed to meet His perfect standard of good. If left to receive  the punishment for our crimes, God would be just to send every person to  everlasting hellfire. The consequence for our sin would be conscious  torment forever and ever because of Who we have offended (Matthew 25:41,  Revelation 14:9-11, Revelation 20:10-15, Revelation 19:14-16, 2  Thessalonians 2:8-10, Matthew 5:29-30, Matthew 10:28, Mark 9:48).

There Is Good News

But God is rich in mercy! His eternal plan before He created the  universe was to send His one and only Son to be the propitiation  (satisfaction) for sin’s punishment (1 John 4:10; 1 Peter 1:20-21). Over  2,000 years ago, a virgin Jewish teenager named Mary gave birth to the  Son of God (Luke 1-2). Jesus was 100% man and 100% God (John 1:1-18).  After walking a life of perfect obedience to His Father, Jesus of  Nazareth went up to a trash heap called Calvary to lay His life down for  His sheep (John 10:11).

No other sacrifice could appease God’s wrath against mankind. It  required the blood of an innocent, perfect sacrifice to be a substitute  for the sins of man (Hebrews 9). As the unblemished Lamb of God, Jesus  actually became sin and was punished by His own Father (2 Corinthians  5:21; Isaiah 53:3-6). God’s furious wrath poured out on His own Son as  if Jesus was sin personified. This atoning sacrifice has now made a way  for you to be forgiven of your sins. And why did He do this?


In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. 10 In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. – 1 John 4:9-10
God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. – Romans 5:8

To fulfill God’s promise to Himself to raise His Son from the dead,  after Christ had paid for our sins in full, God resurrected Him unto  life! (Matthew 28:5-6; 1 Corinthians 15:20). Jesus now reigns in heaven  at the right hand of His Father (Hebrews 12:2), and is waiting to come  back again to establish His Kingdom on earth (Revelation 19:11-16;  20:4-6).

That is the good news, dear friend. Jesus Christ paid a debt He did  not owe because you have a debt you cannot pay. There is nothing that  you can do to add to the work that Christ has already done. That is why  He said,

It is finished. – John 19:30

If you try to be justified by your good deeds as John the Paramedic  did, you will surely experience the same judgment as John in the lake of  fire for all eternity (Galatians 3:11, 5:3-4).

You Must Repent and Believe

If you have yet to be made alive by the grace of God, then you are  still dead in your sins (Ephesians 2:1, 5) and the wrath of God hangs  over your head (Colossians 3:6; Ephesians 2:3). Yet, out of the infinite  mercy of God for His children, He has paved the way for His sheep to  receive eternal life – through faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ  alone! God has called all men everywhere to repent (Acts 17:30). God is  calling you to repent. He is calling you to turn away from the sin that  separates you from His holiness. He is calling you to turn from  your idols, to turn from the control of your life, to turn from serving  yourself, and to turn toward Him to receive His gift of grace through  faith. This type of faith is a repentant faith where you must give up on  yourself and your sinful lifestyle to trust in God to save you from His  wrath and the enslavement to your sin.

That is what you are – a slave. You are either a slave to your sin or  you are a slave to the righteousness of Jesus Christ (Romans 6:16-18;  John 8:34), but you cannot be a slave to both (Matthew 6:24). Neither  can you love God and love the world and the things of this world (1 John  2:15). The Bible says in Romans 10:9-10 that if you confess with your  mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised  Him from the dead, you will be saved. You must call upon the name of the  Lord (Romans 10:13), but this is not mere lip service, dear friend.

It will cost you everything (Luke 14:33). Jesus has called His sheep  to deny themselves, pick up their crosses daily, and follow Him (Luke  9:23). He has called His sheep to forsake all for Him, and to value Him  and love Him more than their family, their friends, and even their own  lives (Luke 14:25-33; Matthew 10:37-39). Jesus has called you to lay  down your life for Him, to count it as nothing, and when you do by the  grace of God, He promises you eternal life!

The Promise of Eternal Life

This is what Jesus said of those who recognize their sins against God  and desperate need of a Savior. These are people who feel conviction  and sorrow, a godly sorrow (2 Corinthians 7:10), for breaking God’s Law  and being the very reason for the crucifixion of the Son of God. If that  is you, He is speaking these words to you, dear friend:

I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. – John 6:35
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light. – Matthew 11:28-30
Whoever drinks of the water that  I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him  will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting  life. – John 4:14
And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. – John 17:3
Enter by the narrow gate. For  the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and  those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is  hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. – Matthew  7:13-14    
My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. 28 And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. 30 I and My Father are one. – John 10:27-30
Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. – John 3:3
All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out. 38For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. 39  This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me  I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. 40  And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son  and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up  at the last day. – John 6:37-40
I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. – John 14:6
I am the resurrection and the  life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, 26 and  everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe  this? – John 11:25-26

Do  you believe this, dear friend? Are you weary? Are you looking for rest  for your soul? Is the weight of your sin bearing down on you? Do you  feel the Spirit of God drawing you into His embrace? It does not matter  what you have done or who you have done it with, God has called you to  repent from your sins and throw yourself before the cross of the Lord  Jesus Christ. If you are one of His sheep, listen to the voice of the  Good Shepherd and follow Him. You must be clothed with the righteousness of Jesus Christ so that God can declare you not guilty  of your crimes against Him. If you have been born again, then cry out  to God, turn away from the things that are separating you from Him,  trust that He is your Savior, and yield yourself to the Lordship of  Christ! Knowing this of Jesus:

there is salvation  in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men  by which we must be saved. – Acts 4:12

If God has poured out His grace upon you (1 Peter 1:3) according to  the riches of His mercy (Ephesians 2:4-5; John 1:12-13), this is what He  promises:

For as the heavens are high above the earth,
So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him;
12 As far as the east is from the west,
So far has He removed our transgressions from us. – Psalm 103:11-12

He removes the sins from His children as if they never sinned and  sees them only as righteous, holy, and without blemish because they have  been bought with the blood of Jesus Christ. The most marvelous thing  about this is you don’t have to wait for eternal life, and it may be  yours today – instantly!

New Life in Christ

Now friend, think on these things. Diligently seek after God in faith  and He will reward you (Hebrews 11:6). If you have believed on the Son  of God and trusted in Him alone as your Lord and your  Savior, He has planted His seed in you to empower you to hunger and  thirst for the things of God (1 John 3:9) that you should no longer walk  in darkness (1 John 1:5-10). Begin reading your Bible and obey what you  read. Spend time with God in prayer every day so that you will walk in  the Spirit and be prepared for whatever comes in your path. Surround  yourself with mature Christians so they can instruct you and encourage  you. Find a solid, Bible-believing church so you can be shepherded in  the faith, and be baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy  Spirit. Be submissive to the work of the Holy Spirit so

…by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which isyour reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. – Romans 12:1-2

We’d like to hear from you if the amazing grace of God has set you  free from the bondage of your sin (John 8:36) and saved you from the  fury of His wrath (Romans 2:5). If you have any questions about anything  you have read or are struggling in the assurance of your salvation,  please do not hesitate to contact us through our Contact page. You might also find our Resources page to be beneficial to you.

May our great God and Savior Jesus Christ be glorified in your life today and the life to come…Soli Deo Gloria!

We were buried  therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ  was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk  in newness of life. – Romans 6:4

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Friendship Evangelism - Is It Biblical?

By Justin Edwards

What should be the basis of our evangelistic efforts?  Should Scripture be our guide or should we depend upon what we perceive to be the best methods according to cultural perception?  Should we be confrontational or relational?  How did Jesus and His disciples evangelize the lost?  Do we have to develop friendships with people before sharing the Gospel?  Or can we share the Gospel with any stranger?

In the following article from December 2009, Tony Miano addresses these questions and more in his article titled, Why Friendship Evangelism Is Neither Friendship Nor Evangelism.  I hope you take the time to read this compassionate yet truthful article explaining why friendship evangelism is not Scriptural.

I also added a video from Tony below his article, which I encourage you to watch to see how this biblical approach brings conviction to the heart in order for grace to cover sin.

Why Friendship Evangelism Is Neither Friendship Nor Evangelism

Not long ago, I received the following message from a friend on Facebook. While it is a topic I've tackled many times in the past, I thought the way my friend honestly asked her question accurately expressed how many Christians feel about sharing the gospel with their friends. Her words also helped to reaffirm what I have believed for a very long time. "Friendship Evangelism" (as it is most commonly taught and practiced by Christians) is neither friendship nor evangelism.

With my friend's permission, I would like to share her note with you; and then I will answer her question.

I have made a lifetime of friends, and up until about 6 years ago, I was a partier and not walking with the Lord. Since become a Christian, I have made myself known to all, but not gone out of my way to share the gospel. I know my friends "think" they know what the Bible says and I also know that they don't want me to preach or share. I have hoped that Facebook would encourage them to ask me, but they don't.

I watch like a voyeur, their lives on FaceBook and I hate it. I see them post pictures of nights on the town, glazed eyes, draped over a different guy in each shot. Today I read as they talked about spending money frivolously and obnoxiously. I see so much "selfism" and today it really started to hurt.

I keep thinking that, by example, they might want to know more or ask...instead I see them avoid my page and my comments. They never address anything I say regarding our Savior, God, or the written word, and only comment on the "regular" things I post.

Most of my "friends" from the past, I still DO care about their salvation. I'm certain that my approach will mean the end of life-long friendships. Should I just keep exposing the Lord to them? Our Christmas cards and small other things are about all the contact we really have. Should I just go for broke and risk turning them off completely? I know it would mean the end of friendships in most cases.

Part of me knows that losing these friendships shouldn't matter. I'm more concerned that is I can keep the door open, they might ...might...someday come to repentance. I want the door to remain open.

I need some advice. I'm pretty sure your going to tell me to go for it...but I thought you might have a perspective or a way that I should use as an approach . . .

[P.S.] I'm thinking of how to approach evangelizing them. I know the approach that Ray uses, letting them convict themselves through the 10 Commandments (which really works) and you too have mastered it. I have also been told tho have them read the word themselves because the word has power. As a chicken, I was hoping to be "non-confrontational" and send it in a letter. A letter of love, and a pouring out of my heart for them. But that leaves them with the ability to not answer, or reply. I know that God would use me MUCH better if I had the nerve to deliver my (HIS) message in person. I want to engage their minds. I've never been a "chicken." I don't want to fail God. I want my (HIS) words to pierce. So...praying and waiting for His inspiration and His way to lead me, and maybe your words will help push me into the world. I'm NOT ashamed of Him, I'm afraid of them, so to speak. I know if He is with me, who can be against me? I struggle? Oh, the flesh.

Before I answer my friend's questions, it is important that I preface my commentary with a few clarifying remarks. First, my commentary is not a critique of my friend--of neither her love for Christ nor her love for people. I do not question her salvation or the genuineness of her desire for her friends to be saved. My commentary is, however, a pointed critique of what I believe is a profoundly effective tool of Satan--"Friendship" or "Relationship" evangelism.

I believe many Christians practice "Friendship Evangelism" with sincerity. But sadly it is a sincerity most often born out of ignorance--an ignorance of the Word of God in general and evangelism in particular. At the same time, I feel no such obligation to charity toward authors, pastors, teachers, speakers, and movement leaders who propagate this spiritual fraud upon followers of Christ--both true and false converts. Theirs will be a stricter judgment (James 3:1).

Now, let me take a moment to answer a couple of baseless objections to my position before I even articulate my position. I do this in advance of making my case because I know for some Christians "Friendship Evangelism" is treated like a sacred cow, an essential evangelism tradition. I use the word "tradition" since there is no biblical support for this methodology and philosophy for ministry. And it's traditions like this one that are evidence of the sad reality that evangelicalism, especially the American variety, has yet to completely break free of Rome.

Allow me to make it very clear that Christian evangelists are called by the Word of God to be both friendly and relational. "If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing" (1 Corinthians 13:3). To be opposed to "Friendship Evangelism," as it is most commonly practiced, is not to be opposed to friendship or relationships. But a godly and biblical Christian will put God and friends before and above friendships. More on this later.

Secondly, a common objection to an argument against "Friendship Evangelism" is, "There are many ways to share the gospel and friendship evangelism is one of them." Not so. There is only one way to communicate the gospel, which can take but a few forms--the Bible's way. Any methodology that is extra-biblical (meaning: the Bible neither commands nor condemns the activity), the method should be approached and applied with extra care and caution. The spurious fruit and the measurable harm done by "Friendship Evangelism" is evidence the American Church has thrown caution to the wind and has operated carelessly when applying this extra-biblical, faux-evangelistic methodology.

With the above in mind, I will now address my friend's questions and concerns.

My friend wrote:

"I have made myself known to all, but not gone out of my way to share the gospel."

In a sentence my friend summed up one of the great deficiencies of "Friendship Evangelism." With fewer than 5% of all professing Christians sharing the gospel with a single person in a year's time, it's pretty obvious that most Christians practicing "Friendship Evangelism" are part of that indefensible number. Why? Because in "Friendship Evangelism" the Christian spends far more time making themselves known to their friends than making Christ known to their friends.

Many Christians who practice "Friendship Evangelism" have been led to believe that it is evangelistic to live a perceptible Christian life in front of unbelievers or to say to openly admit to unbelievers that they are Christians. There is nothing remarkable about such an admission, especially in America. The majority of the American population will indicate on surveys and censuses that they are Christians. Many Christians will answer the "What religion are you" question with "I'm a Christian" for no other reason than they are not Jewish, Muslim, or Atheist. To check the Christian box is the default position or most Americans. But many are no more Christian than the Jew, Muslim, or Atheist.

Part of the evidence that "Friendship Evangelism" is not evangelistic is the practice makes the Christian known but it all-too-often fails to make Christ known.

My friend wrote:

"They [her friends] don't want me to preach or share."

Modern evangelicalism has wrongly placed an unregenerate sinner's felt needs over their very real need of salvation. This is not to say that we shouldn't address a person's felt needs. In doing so, one can often discover that the root of a particular felt need is sin; which then presents the opportunity to share the Law and the gospel with that person. However, where evangelicalism has woefully dropped the ball is in the practice of trying to meet felt needs and stopping there, as if to address felt needs is the same as evangelism.

More to the point regarding my friend's assertion: of course the unregenerate doesn't want their Christian friends to proclaim the gospel to them. Why? They hate Jesus. They love their sin and they hate God. Cockroaches don't run to the center of the floor and square dance when you turn on the kitchen light. They flee to the dark regions underneath the cabinets and appliances. They hate the light. And so does the unregenerate sinner. Their love for the darkness of their sin is so great that any holy light brought to bear in their lives is not only uncomfortable and unpleasant. It's detestable.

Sadly, modern evangelicalism has responded to this reality by doing everything it can to engage lost sinners in their culture and according to their felt needs without ever bothering to flip the light switch of the gospel. Evangelicalism has allowed how lost people feel about "the light" determine whether or not it shines the light. Frankly, it doesn't matter what the lost person wants. What matters is what they need. And what they need is salvation by the grace of God alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone. What they need, whether they feel it or not, is to to repent and believe the gospel.

My friend wrote:

"I keep thinking that, by example, they might want to know more or ask...instead I see them avoid my page and my comments."

Part of the evidence that "Friendship Evangelism" is not evangelistic is the practice of "Assisi-ism."

Francis of Assisi is far-too-often quoted as saying, "Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words." There are two problems with this quote: 1) it is unbiblical; and 2) Assisi never said it. Catholic scholars have methodically and exhaustively searched the extant writings of Assisi and cannot attribute the quote to him. These days, this is common knowledge. Yet Christians continue refer to the mythical quote and worse, apply it in their lives. The quote also has a modern-day translation. It goes something like this. "Live your life in such a way that people ask you why."

While it is true that our good works, when performed for the glory of God alone, can cause lost people to glorify God (Matthew 5:16); that is not to say by living a Christian life in front of lost people that they are going to see Jesus in you. Why? The reason is simple enough. Unregenerate sinners are spiritually blind.

"The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned" (I Cor. 2:14).

The gospel is a spoken message--meaning it is communicated in verbal and/or written formats.

"How then will they call on him of whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, 'How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!' But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, 'Lord, who has believed what he has heard from us?' So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ" (Romans 10:14-17).

With 150,000 people dying every day, and the vast majority of them facing God's judgment (Matthew 7:13-14), it amounts to depraved indifference to wait for the lost people around us to see something special in us and ask what's different about us. We are commanded by God's Word to go (Matthew 28:18-20) and preach (Mark 16:15) the gospel to as many people as we can, whenever we can, as often as we can. Time is far too short to wait for spiritually blind people to see Jesus in Christians who are still clothed in sinful human flesh.

My friend wrote:

"I'm certain that my approach will mean the end of life-long friendships."

The tragic result of "Friendship Evangelism," as it is most often practiced by Christians, is that friendships often become more important than the soul of friends. Christians have been wrongly convinced that they must take time (often lots of time) to cultivate relationships with people so that, someday, they may gain the lost person's permission, to "earn the right" to share the gospel with them. So the Christian invests time, energy, and resources sincerely trying to establish loving and caring relationships with people. Is it wrong to do that? No. But the all-too-often tragic result of the practice is that if the Christian every gets the courage or desire to share the gospel with their lost friend, they won't. Why? The reason: the Christian doesn't want to do anything to jeopardize the relationship they've worked so hard to build. So, again, the friendship becomes more important than the soul of the friend.

Upon closer inspection, this is really selfish behavior. Does the Christian believe that they are so valuable that their lost friend can't live without them? Or is it that the Christian derives so much pleasure out of the relationship, from what their lost friend does for them that they don't want to ruin a "good thing?"

Jesus said, "Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends" (John 15:13). If Christians truly love their lost friends they will give up everything, even their very lives, certainly their relationships, so that those same lost friends might have eternal life. Or do Christians really want their friends to be with them more than they want them to be with Jesus?

My friend wrote:

"Part of me knows that losing these friendships shouldn't matter. I'm more concerned that is I can keep the door open, they might ...might...someday come to repentance. I want the door to remain open."

No Christian can close a door God wants open. No Christian can open a door God wants shut. God is sovereign. And He doesn't need our help. The gospel alone is the power of God for salvation (Romans 1:16). God, by His grace, chooses to use His children to communicate that life-saving gospel to a lost and dying world. No one goes to heaven because we've made friends with them. And no one goes to hell because we've failed to establish relationships with people.

In closing, let me reiterate that Christians should be friendly with people. We should speak the truth in love. Evangelism isn't a game. It's not a sport. It is what God has called every follower of Christ to do. Evangelism is a lifestyle--not that the way we live our life is evangelism; but rather our verbal proclamation of the gospel should permeate every aspect of our life and impact every relationship we have.

My friend understands all of this. She knows what she must do. She acknowledged as much toward the end of her note. And I hope I've answered her questions, and maybe some of yours, too.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bin Laden Evangelism Survey

By Justin Edwards

The following article was originally posted at The Speak:Truth Project:

Yesterday on airō I posted an article titled Osama, Terrorism, Despair, and Hope and closed with how the death of Osama bin Laden has given us an incredible opportunity to share the Gospel with the lost. No doubt every person you come in contact with has an opinion on the matter, and I can think of no easier way to transition into a spiritual conversation than using bin Laden as an icebreaker.

In the aforementioned article, I mentioned I would put together a list of survey questions to ask folks in order to share the Gospel with them. Living Waters offers a similar Survey Pad, and I think such a strategy would be perfect to employ during an evangelism outreach. Here’s what I’ve got so far:

1. Where were you when you heard the news about the terrorist attacks on 9/11? ________________________

2. Where were you when you heard the news about Osama bin Laden? _________________________________

3. What was your initial reaction? _____________________________________________________________

4. Do you believe they should have captured him to be put on trial?

5. Do you feel safer now that bin Laden is dead? __________________________________________________

6. Do you believe the United States will be attacked in the near future?

7. Where do you believe Osama bin Laden is now? ________________________________________________

8. Where do you believe Ronald Reagan is? ___________

9. How about Hitler? __________

10. Pope John Paul II? _________

11. Saddam Hussein? _________

12. Ghandi? __________

13. Mother Teresa? ____________

14. Timothy McVeigh? __________

15. Michael Jackson? ____________

16. Princess Diana? __________

17. Joseph Stalin? __________

18. John F. Kennedy? ____________

19. Among these people, how did you determine whether they went to heaven or hell?

20. If a terrorist avenged bin Laden’s death right here and right now with a bomb, where would you go? __________

21. Do you consider yourself to be a good person? _____________

22. How many lies have you told…

From this point on, you can take them through the Law and the Gospel, such as the way Ray Comfort lovingly instructs the young man in the video below.

I plan on printing these out in a Word document to keep with me, especially during evangelism events. What are your thoughts? Do you have any questions to add? If you decide to use this strategy to witness to people, we’d love to hear about it in the comments below!

Update: For your convenience, you can download this survey from Google Documents here: Bin Laden Evangelism Survey

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Osama, Terrorism, Despair, and Hope

By Justin Edwards

The world has been in a whirlwind since the news of the death of Osama bin Laden broke late Sunday evening.  Reactions have varied from celebration to condemnation, with many Christians struggling with how they should respond to the death of the world's most notorious killer of the last 2 decades.  In his article, A Christian Response to the death of Osama bin Laden, Randy White revisits the evil acts of bin Laden in recent years:

Osama bin Laden is a clear enemy.  As the leader of Al Qaeda, he is responsible for the death of over 3,000 men, women, and children on 9/11, as well as those who died on the USS Cole, the deaths of US servicemen shot down in Somalia in Operation Restore Hope, the 301 persons killed and 5,000 injured in bombings of U.S. Embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam, the bombing of a synagogue in Tunisia, the deaths of 180 people in a nightclub in Bali, and the list goes on.  Clearly, Osama bin Laden has been the deadliest terrorist of this young century (HT: Worldview Weekend).

Osama bin Laden was a cold-blooded murderer who deserved death.  Christians can rejoice that this wicked man has received temporal justice for his crimes against humanity, and we can rejoice that he can no longer take another innocent human life.  Yet, while we can rejoice that bin Laden is history and can harm us no more, the reality is he is in hell and has yet to face God's final justice - in that, we cannot rejoice, but more on that later.

Although bin Laden is dead, the threat of terrorism did not die with him.  In fact, his death will likely be a catalyst for near-future attacks.  Coincidentally, about a week before May 2, I saw that Wikileaks had released information regarding repercussions of a bin Laden capture or assassination.  In this report, Al-Qaeda threatens to unleash a nuclear hellstorm if Osama is caught or assassinated.  The terrorist organization has supposedly hidden a nuclear bomb in Europe, ready for detonation should Osama be incarcerated or killed.  It is not unlikely that such a threat is imposed within the United States, given our security risks on the border among other things.

In my opinion, killing OBL is another win for Islam.  The U.S. was absolutely justified in this assassination, but the consequences will be more attacks and restricted freedoms.  Not only might Al-Qaeda accelerate its efforts to attack the United States, but there may be an increase in lone wolf terrorists or bin Laden sympathizers to unleash their frustrations against perceived tyranny of the United States.  In fact, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula publishes a high quality English-language magazine, Inspire, to recruit and instruct Muslims in the West to carry out terrorist attacks in their home countries. They released their 5th edition in April:

With this is mind, the threat of so-called "soft targets" being attacked has significantly increased since the killing of Osama bin Laden.  Security has been heightened in major cities around the country, and agencies are being encouraged to employ security measures that would invade the privacy of American citizens.  The following CBS report explains that routine patdowns may become the norm for entry into these soft targets:

As the next few weeks unfold, we will likely see an increase of Muslims memorializing bin Laden.  In fact, the location of his killing is already becoming a shrine for his admirers, where one Muslims states:

I've come here today to see a piece of our history...Osama was a good Muslim who fought for Islam. He was a hero to us. I expect in time to see all sorts of tourists here, even Japanese and Americans.

This shrine may serve as a rallying point and pilgrimage for bin Laden's followers to pay their respects.  What we are seeing is faithful Muslims supporting one of their heroes - a martyr in their eyes.

Such is the sentiment that may bring about a new wave of terror in the United States. The world is already in turmoil with a failing economy, natural disasters, and Middle East turmoil, and with the perhaps imminent threat of terrorist attacks in the United States and Europe, we can expect more death and restricted freedoms.

So what does this mean for you?  What kind of emotions do you feel knowing that the world has significantly become more volatile, as if it wasn't volatile enough already?  Are you afraid?  Are you fearful of the unexpected?  If all you have is this life now, then there really is no hope for you.  If this world, which ultimately offers you nothing but temporal happiness, despair and death - an evil place where wickedness reigns and immorality destroys, if this world is the only one you have to cling to - then you are utterly hopeless.  At any moment, your life could be taken from you, and the chances of that happening have now increased by the death of one evil man.  

If death knocked on your door today, would you find yourself in the same place as Osama bin Laden?  The truth is, if you are still living for yourself and for this world, if you have need of nothing and are trying to live in a manner that you believe would make you worthy of heaven, then you are just as guilty as bin Laden and will face the same judgment as he will face. While the wrath of God may come down more severely upon bin Laden, God's wrath is still unfathomable upon those who refuse to obey the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  You may think such a position is incredulous, and I don't blame you, but that doesn't change the reality that you are a law-breaker and deserve the wages of your sin.

To read more about this and how you can avoid facing the same judgment as Osama bin Laden, please see Eternal Life.

Now, for my brothers and sisters in Christ - we have an incredible opportunity to use the killing of Osama bin Laden to proclaim the Gospel.  First of all, as opposed to those without Christ, we have an enduring hope!  As we are secured by grace, it doesn't matter if we should be the victims of a terrorist attack.  We are not to fear the unexpected on this earth, for our hope is in the One who has conquered death and has established a kingdom for us to rule and reign with Christ for eternity!  This is the Hope that is within us, and we must be constantly ready to share this with others.

Secondly, I expect most people are willing to talk about the death of Osama bin Laden.  I can think of no easier way to transition into a spiritual conversation than using this instance to break the ice.  In the days to come, I may put a list of survey questions together to use in witnessing encounters, but for now, consider asking people this simple question: 

Where do you think Osama bin Laden is now?

This will be a springboard for you to eventually ask the person where they will go when they die. 

Most of us have lost people close to us.  The news of Osama bin Laden just might be a catalyst that sparks a new wave of terrorism, which could ultimately play into God's prophetic timetable.  In any case, the hour is now all the more urgent to proclaim the Gospel.  While we really don't know how any of this will play out, God, on the other hand, is in absolute control.  He is sovereign over all nations, people, angels, and devils, and these events are proceeding just as He has ordained them to proceed.  We do not know every detail of the future, but we do know that Christ is returning, and looking at the condition of the world today, I believe He is at the doorstep. 

If you have doubts as to where you will spend eternity, please do visit the Eternal Life page.  If you are unsure of your salvation, please don't hesitate to contact me.  If you know you are saved by the grace of God, what are you going to do with your life from here on out?  We have only one purpose in this life once we are bought by the blood of Christ - to love and obey Him with all of our hearts and to make His name known. 

Let your conduct be worthy of the Gospel of Christ... - Philippians 1:27

See also:

The Great White Throne Judgment

20 Reasons NOT to Hope for Christ's Return in 2011

Are You Ready?

Awake from Your Slumber

Don't Play Games with Your Eternity

Heart Inventory

People Who Will Not Go to Heaven

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