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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Say No to Rick Perry's "The Response" Prayer Event

By Justin Edwards

The Christian right is once again being swept into the next spiritual revival bandwagon led by American politicians and religious leaders (remember Glenn Beck's rally?).  Texas Governor Rick Perry has called Americans to join him August 6th, 2011 for a time of prayer and fasting for the United States of America.  On the surface, this sounds like a noble and biblical idea to petition God to bring revival in America and turn this country from its moral depravity.  The Response website explains:

America is in the midst of a historic crisis. We have been besieged by financial debt, terrorism, and a multitude of natural disasters. The youth of America are in grave peril economically, socially, and, most of all, morally. There are threats emerging within our nation and beyond our borders beyond our power to solve.

Our nation is at a crossroads. More and more Americans are perceiving the critical juncture we find ourselves in – the future of our nation is determined by the courage of its people: first, in recognizing the magnitude of our common trouble; then, by uniting to seize the unique opportunity this moment offers us. Our response can, in part, determine our future and define for our children – and their children – what kind of nation they will govern, serve, and lead...

...Our hope is found in the One who might turn towards our nation in its time of great need – if we, as a nation would turn to Him in repentance, prayer, and fasting. The call of God to His people in times of great trouble is to gather together and call on Him with one voice, one heart, and a unified desire to see great blessing and great glory come to our nation again. The power of unified prayer from a humble gathering of the saints is found in the hope that He might answer us, and turn the tide of trouble and threats that stand against us. 

Rick Perry invites you:

However, as one peels back the layers and understands who is organizing this event, it should give all Christians great pause.  Heretics and heretical theologies are the pillars of this movement.  I therefore urge you to consider what Brannon Howse has recently revealed in his article, Why I Believe Christians Should Not Participate in Governor Perry's "The Response"  Why It is NOT Just A Prayer Event

The article is a must-read for every Christian or church who is considering participating in this event, as Brannon warns,

I do not believe this event will aide in reclaiming the country, restoring liberty, or prosperity, and it certainly will not prompt God to bless America. I believe such an event will actually hasten God's judgment on our nation...

...I do not believe those participating in The Response, and other such projects, are guilty by association but guilty by participation. I believe they are guilty of giving credibility to false teachers by choosing to unite with false teachers. Ephesians 5:11 says, "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them." 2 Timothy 3:5 says "and from such people turn away."

...The mixing of evangelicals with false prophets for the sake of the culture war is really an offense to the Gospel. God is not dependent on us to violate Biblical principles in order to be successful at restoring righteousness. How can we restore righteousness through an unrighteous manner? How can we hope to restore Biblical principles within government when we have willingly violated Biblical principles within the church? The end does not justify the means.

God is watching and I contend that our efforts are being thwarted by God as Divine judgment for setting aside Scriptural warnings and uniting with false teachers in spiritual enterprises intertwined with our Christian activism.

When Christians compromise the gospel and unite with false teachers in spiritual and political enterprises, regardless of the political outcome, we will have lost because we gave credibility to false teachers and their false gospel. I believe this is Satan's strategy. Satan has moved his false teachers into our camp as a religious Trojan horse and Christian leaders have embraced the Trojan horse of false teachers...

...Entering into spiritual services or enterprises with false teachers is a clear violation of God's Word. Thus, how can God bless the church in America and our nation when Christians and Christian leaders are in direct disobedience to God's Word? How can Christians and Christian leaders repent of sin while participating in an event that in and of itself is something for which to repent? To repent means to turn from sin. I believe Christians and Christian leaders that participate in The Response, or have participated in other events with false teachers, need to repent for their unbiblical event that is ironically calling for repentance.

I believe that many American Christians will allow their commitment to reclaiming the country, reclaiming Congress, lowering taxes, and defeating the progressives trump their commitment to the Biblical mandate declared in 2 Corinthians 6:14. Christians are commanded in 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, to expose every high and lofty thing lifted up against the principles of the Lord.

American Christians should not and cannot rate success on whether or not we "reclaim America." Our success or failure must be based on whether or not we have been faithful servants of the one and only true God and have earnestly contended for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3).

Please do continue to the entire article as Brannon gives details and links exposing exactly who is organizing and endorsing the event (some may or may not surprise you, like Dr. James Dobson, John Hagee, C. Peter Wagoner, and Mike Bickle). Ultimately, "Prayer is important, prayer for a nation is important, political leaders who recognize this are vital to our national health. But a right thing done in a wrong way is wrong. The end never justifies the means!!" Indeed, which is why American Christians must refuse to participate and sound the alarm to those who might.

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