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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Workplace Evangelism

By Justin Edwards

This article was originally posted at The Speak:Truth Project

Something incredible happened at work today. Due to the nature of my job, opportunities to share the Gospel with people at work do not come very often.  Lately, I have tried to frame my conversations in a way that reveals I am a Christian (like inserting references to church into conversations, etc.), but I have not shared the Gospel with anyone – until today!

Several times  a year we have vendors come in to do service on our various laboratory instruments and equipment.  Back in the fall, we had one such vendor come in but I could not get around to swing into a spiritual conversation.  I tried to plant a few feelers to see where he was at spiritually (like where he might go to church), but they hit a dead end.  But today was a different story…

Just after “Joe” arrived today, I believe the Lord pressed upon me to share the Gospel with him. For about 20 minutes I fumbled over my thoughts, wrestling with how I might swing into a spiritual conversation.  After all, Joe was going to be here for a few hours and he was just getting started.  What was I to do if the conversation with south?  I finally came to my senses, then all the sudden I blurted out something about the situation in Japan concerning the nuke crisis.  Joe agreed that it was serious, but the conversation didn’t really go anywhere.

A few minutes later I asked if there were any nuclear stations where he lived, and there is one, and told him we have two in the Charlotte area.  He said it was a good thing there are no fault lines here, and I said I actually think there is, and in fact there were several tremors in NC in the past couple of weeks.  Joe then said there are earthquakes everywhere, volcanoes, etc., and the world seemed like it was falling apart.  He said he’s hearing other people say this as well. I thought to myself, “wow, here we go!”  Joe made mention of the Mayan calender and 2012, and I said I don’t think the Mayan calender has anything to do with it, but I believe Scripture does.

Long story short, I eventually got to the crux of the matter that 10 out of 10 people die, and it could happen instantly for any of us whether it’s a terrorist attack, natural disaster, etc.  I asked him what he thought would happen to him, what came for him after death, and Joe said he wasn’t sure.  He gave me a brief background of his Catholic upbringing, but hadn’t returned to the Catholic church since a young boy.  Joe said he knows he needs to believe in something, and I told him that while that is true, believing in the right thing is what matters.

From there we went through the 10 Commandments and the Gospel, and it was a wonderful conversation.  Joe had many questions and understood the predicament he is in.  He seemed astounded that eternal life is not something we have to wait for until we die, but that we can have eternal life now.  Joe understood just how much it would cost him to become a child of God, and he admitted it was a lot to think about.  Unfortunately, my colleague came in about this time and this interrupted the conversation, but we were able to get through the whole Gospel nevertheless.
A couple hours went by and Joe finished up his work.  I escorted him outside and along the way he said he wished we got to talk more, but he knew this wasn’t the end of the conversation.  I then had the opportunity to make clear that Jesus said,

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.  – Matthew 11:28-30


Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” – John 4:13-14

And finally,

All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out. – John 6:37

I explained to Joe that all who God draws and comes to Him, He will in no way cast them away.  Then Joe said,

I know, I can feel it.

It was so awesome to hear.  I may have been witnessing the Holy Spirit drawing Joe to Himself, and I told him,

if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. – Romans 10:9

Wrapping up the conversation, I gave Joe a copy of Are You Ready? and It Will Cost You Everything
I asked him if he had a Bible to which he said “no, but I’m going to go with my daughter to get one.”  How cool is that?

Joe was so thankful we had this conversation and knew it was not coincidence.  He said for 3 years now he knew something wasn’t right, and it seemed like everything was coming together for him now.  Joe said he’d be in touch as I told him I was at his full disposal for questions, etc.  I can’t wait to hear from him to see what God is doing, and I pray soon I can call Joe my brother – what a glorious day that will be!

I hope this has encouraged you to share the Gospel in your own workplace.  It was an incredible experience and I’m so thankful God used me to speak the Truth to Joe.  Pray the Lord keeps you sensitive to your surroundings at work to look for opportunities to witness and the courage to do so, and try stepping out on faith to create those opportunities. See what can happen when you do?

Hallelujah, what a day!

If you would like to learn about some do’s and don’t for evangelism in the workplace, I found this article to be very helpful:  Evangelism in the Workplace – Do’s and Dont’s

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